Face & Body Contouring

Employs ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells in specific treatment areas, most commonly the upper arms, belly, love handles, thighs, or chin.

Treatment Summary

Ultrasonic Cavitation is perfect for breaking down fat in stubborn problematic areas.

Treatment Duration

25 Minutes

Treatment Cost

From £60

Recovery Time

No Downtime

Result Will Show


Alternative to Liposuction


Ultrasonic cavitation is a nonsurgical fat reduction treatment. The procedure, also known as ultrasound cavitation, ultra cavitation, fat cavitation, or cavi lipo, employs ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells in specific treatment areas, most commonly the upper arms, belly, love handles, thighs, or chin.

Cavi lipo is frequently promoted as an alternative to liposuction for body contouring, but unlike surgical lipo, which can produce optimal results with a single procedure, you’ll need multiple (up to 12) ultrasonic cavitation treatments to see significant results. You will also have to wait up to three months for your lymphatic system to flush out the dead cells before seeing the final results.

While it is not a quick fix, this body sculpting method has additional benefits. Each ultrasonic cavitation session lasts only a few minutes.

Muscle Building


Ultrasonic cavitation is a nonsurgical fat reduction treatment. The procedure, also known as ultrasound cavitation, ultra cavitation, fat cavitation, or cavi lipo, employs ultrasound waves to destroy fat cells in specific treatment areas, most commonly the upper arms, belly, love handles, thighs, or chin.

Cavi lipo is frequently promoted as an alternative to liposuction for body contouring, but unlike surgical lipo, which can produce optimal results with a single procedure, you’ll need multiple (up to 12) ultrasonic cavitation treatments to see significant results. You will also have to wait up to three months for your lymphatic system to flush out the dead cells before seeing the final results.

While it is not a quick fix, this body sculpting method has additional benefits. Each ultrasonic cavitation session lasts only a few minutes.

Pre & Post Treatment Advice

It’s important to take proper care of your body before and after your treatment.

Pre-treatment Advice

    To ensure your body responds well to Ultrasound Cavitation,at least 2 liters of water should be consumed over 24-hour period prior to the treatment. It is essential to stagger water consumption over this period to ensure your body is well hydrated.
  2. Tip:Make sure your skin is hydrated externally as well Your treatment clinician can also provide you with topicahydrating options as part of your treatment plan.
    To achieve optimal results a low calorie, low carbohydrate, low fat, and low sugar diet 24hrs pre and posttreatment will ensure your body utilises the triglycerides released by the fat cavitation process. For best results, this diet should be followed ongoing.
  4. While ultrasound fat cavitation is a great tool to help to contour your body through the emulsification of fat, it wont compensate for a healthy and active lifestyle.


  1. The release of energy into your body through Ultrasound Cavitation can also release any toxins stored in that fat, which will naturally filter out of your system following treatment.
  2. Ultrasonic Lipo Cavitation is a fat-metabolizing and detoxifying procedure. Therefore,the most importapost-care advice is to maintain adequate hydration levels.
  3. It can be common for some clients to experience redness and micro bumps across the area due to a herash. This is completely dependent on the individual and how they react to the slight internal heat elevatioIt's recommended if the redness does not start to subside 2 hours post-treatment,topically treat the are with a "Laser Aid"style ointment (healing and soothing gel lotion designed to calm and soothe inflamed arimitated skins).
  4. A minimum of 20 minutes of elevated heart rate cardio exercise is required immediately following your treatment to ensure the stored energy released by the cavitation process is burnt off.
  5. Eat a low-fat,low-carbohydrate, and low-sugar diet for 24 hours, in order to aid in fat metabolism. Avoid alcohol and nicotine for 24 hours.
    Avoid saunas, hot tubs, or extreme temperatures for 24 hours.
    Showering and cleansing the treatment area are allowed immediately.


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Contouring Pricing

 It can be used to treat: Upper Arms (bingo wings), Upper Back (under bra line), Lower Back & Waist (love handles), Stomach, Outer Thigh, Inner Thighs and Buttocks

Conturing PricingPrice per Area per SessionCourse of 4Course of 6
Ultrasonic Cavitation£75£260£360

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Before & After

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Screenshot 2022-06-21 at 22.38.39Screenshot 2022-06-21 at 22.39.00

Customer Reviews

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

Elizabeth Sofia WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

Amelia Mia WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

Charlie Cooper WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

Amelia Mia WordPress Dev.

Behind the word mountains from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind. texts. Separated they.

Charlie Cooper WordPress Dev.